THERE IS A growing problem of what to do with an ever-INCREASING number of cars.

With each passing year, the number of cars on our roads increases and is growing at a rapid pace. The swelling number of cars, congesting and choking our roads.

As this trend continues, providing parking space for all these added vehicles has become a scarce and very precious commodity.

With added issues of theft and damage and personal safety, is it any wonder many experience anxiety when venturing out?

“With both limited & costly real estate, operators struggle with the challenge of how to best meet their client’s and visitor’s needs.”

— Jonathan Sheldon, Founder D2D

THERE IS A growing problem of what to do with an ever-INCREASING number of cars.

With each passing year, the number of cars on our roads increases and is growing at a rapid pace. The swelling number of cars, congesting and choking our roads.

As this trend continues, providing parking space for all these added vehicles has become a scarce and very precious commodity.

With added issues of theft and damage and personal safety, is it any wonder many experience anxiety when venturing out?

“With both limited & costly real estate, operators struggle with the challenge of how to best meet their client’s and visitor’s needs.”

— Jonathan Sheldon, Founder D2D

THERE IS A growing problem of what to do with an ever-INCREASING number of cars.

With each passing year, the number of cars on our roads increases and is growing at a rapid pace. The swelling number of cars, congesting and choking our roads.

As this trend continues, providing parking space for all these added vehicles has become a scarce and very precious commodity.

With added issues of theft and damage and personal safety, is it any wonder many experience anxiety when venturing out?

“With both limited & costly real estate, operators struggle with the challenge of how to best meet their client’s and visitor’s needs.”

— Jonathan Sheldon, Founder D2D

The Problem

THERE IS A growing problem of what to do with an ever-INCREASING number of cars.

With each passing year, the number of cars on our roads increases and is growing at a rapid pace. The swelling number of cars, congesting and choking our roads.

As this trend continues, providing parking space for all these added vehicles has become a scarce and very precious commodity.

With added issues of theft and damage and personal safety, is it any wonder many experience anxiety when venturing out?

“With both limited & costly real estate, operators struggle with the challenge of how to best meet their client’s and visitor’s needs.”

— Jonathan Sheldon, Founder D2D

Why D2D

Our experienced team of industry professionals guarantees presale services that include problem analysis and the selection of the most appropriate products to meet our clients' needs.

The Problem

THERE IS A growing problem of what to do with an ever-INCREASING number of cars.

With each passing year, the number of cars on our roads increases and is growing at a rapid pace. The swelling number of cars, congesting and choking our roads.

As this trend continues, providing parking space for all these added vehicles has become a scarce and very precious commodity.

With added issues of theft and damage and personal safety, is it any wonder many experience anxiety when venturing out?

“With both limited & costly real estate, operators struggle with the challenge of how to best meet their client’s and visitor’s needs.”

— Jonathan Sheldon, Founder D2D

Meet the Founder

Jonathan Sheldon


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Our Mission

Transform the needs for vehicle parking

D2D’s customized automated solutions – drastically reduce the space required for overhead clearance, ramps, and turning radiuses required in self-park garages. We want to use modern parking technology to increase the number of cars that can park in your establishment, which allows your business to also produce more income, and a GREENER PLANET!


Automatic parking with computer-controlled robots

In a D2D system, humans don’t drive or roam the insides of the structure.

With no ramps, wide turning radii, pedestrian walkways or elevators needed, a D2D system solution enables unparalleled high-density parking utilizing the structure to maximum efficiency.

All parking movements (such as lifting, transfering, distribution, and storage) are performed by the Smart Valet robots and lifts. These robots move every which way. To and fro, up-down, and sideways too. Riding on rails or free standing roomba like bots. The system is uniquely able to store and retrieve vehicles in the most efficient way possible utilizing extra-deep parking spaces – all self guided with no human intervention needed.

The D2D System allows patrons to summon their vehicle with a mobile app or parking card

The Smart Valet retrieves the car from its stall and delivers it to one of the available numbered car-ports. The app and display panels indicate which car-port the car will be delivered to.

Drivers wait in a comfortable lounge with large screen entertainment & informational message boards to inform and entertain them while the car is retrieved.

Each transaction averages 2-3 minutes


Traditional parking lots are full of potential safety concerns, such as the car getting scratched, or broken glass & theft, or even the uneasy feeling of an empty parking lot


The problem with Valets

  • Valets often don’t speak the language, 
  • Valets are human, and with bad days, may not always be very friendly, 
  • Valets that smoke, leave unwanted smells and ash droppings.
  • Valets alter the seat settings from the driver’s settings, necessitating tedious steering wheel, and mirror readjustment, 
  • The windows are lowered and left open, allowing in the elements, unpleasant garage odors, and fumes.
  • And finally, the unpleasant body language expecting a tip for the “service”.  


The ultimate parking experience for clients

Drivers leave their vehicles at a Car Port, the Smart Valet will then take over. The Smart-Valet chauffeurs the vehicle to its storage location for parking.

Whether it be in multi-level or underground structures. The Smart software technology directs the Smart Valet in the most efficient way possible, choosing the ideal storage location within the facility.

The Departure Process

in a D2D system, the driver simply uses the mobile app or the card issued to summon his or her vehicle.

The Smart Valet retrieves the car from its stall and delivers it to one of the available numbered car-ports.

The app and display panels indicate which car-port the car will be delivered to.

Drivers wait in a comfortable lounge with large screen entertainment & informational message boards to inform and entertain them while the car is retrieved.

Each transaction averages 2-3 minutes.

See System Types
  • This system is cost effective when extra land for surface parking is not available.
  • Engineered to ensure Driver safety by use of an electronic Safety zone.
  • Up to 20 Sedan cars or 16 SUV cars can easily and safely be parked in each unit.
  • Low maintenance levels required by the system.
  • Rotary parking is extremely reliable and has been well tried and tested with many reference sites available.
  • Surface space required is equivalent to just 2 surface car parking spaces.
  • Does not require a parking attendant.
  • Most suitable for Staff or dedicated user parking.
  • Easily constructed in a small area, just requiring a simple concrete base and 3 phase electricity.
  • Manufactured to ISO 9001: 2000 standards.

Our Carousel / Rotary parking systems allows you to park up to either 14 SUV-sized or 16 Sedan-sized vehicles in the space of only 2. There is no need for a parking attendant; just insert the key and press your parking space number and the pallet will rotate either clockwise or counterclockwise. It will automatically sense which way to rotate by space number.  


Saving time: Excessive amounts of time are spent driving around looking for a parking space, running the gauntlet hunting for a parking spot in a desolate garage, or out in an open parking lot desert, only to be frustrated to find there are no more parking spaces left. Circling again, waiting for a spot to open, competing with others for a spot… Finding a parking space is often a time-consuming and aggravating task.

Parking Anxiety is Real, Seriously Google it and see the many results. Many drivers pass up parking spots because they are wary of parallel and reverse parking. With the D2D system, the driver does not have to park in tight spots, instead, the D2D parking system takes care of it. 

A fully automatic parking system is inaccessible to pedestrians, which eliminates vandalism and theft.

Same with vehicle damage. With the D2D automatic parking system, you eliminate scratches, dents, and other parking damages.

When leaving, no more wandering around trying to locate your vehicle, all while fighting the elements. Instead, the driver returns to a well-lit lobby where the car is quickly delivered to a ground floor exit terminal. Get in and drive away. Hassle-free!